Peter has over 12 years experience developing and hosting WordPress sites. He is versed in all aspects of WordPress development, including custom plugin development and e-commerce.
Peter is versed in site migration and secure scalable hosting.
In addition, Peter ability to bridge the technical side of web development and the visual front end.
Web developer of new website for a leading glass manufacturer Anchor Hocking.
Translated design files to a completely functioning website. Attention to online typography.
Employed agile development methodologies as a framework for development. Tools used included Jira, git, and Pantheon hosting.
1Friday is an award wining architecture studio based in aspen, colorado. 1friday’s work focuses on high end residential architecture. 1Friday’s design are unique and beautiful.
For 1Friday I designed their logo and logotype and the last two iterations of their website. The current website is focused on large visuals for both use on the desktop while being flexible enough to display on mobile devices.
Created the identity and the web presence for BTU Analytics, a leader in oil and gas industry analytics.
Identity work included logo development, color palette, grid development and typeface specification.
Their site was developed with WordPress, functionality included weekly news messaging, responsive design for use with mobile devices, private document libraries, file sharing, and e-commerce. State of the art cloud hosting and security features were implemented.
A website that I designed and developed for Aspen photographer Derek Skalko. The site was developed with WordPress. Horizontal scrolling was used for the individual photo galleries.
If you want the best French food in Colorado, this is the place. For The Left Bank Vail, I designed the identity and placed the site on the WordPress platform. Site design is responsive, designed for mobile.
My interface prototyping is based on principals of good typographic design, proportion, color and ease of use. The following are some sketches demonstrating my work.
Book designer for Anne Eliot and her teenage romance novels. Anne is an international best seller. Work with Anne has resulted in her books being published in over 8 langues.
Book were designed in InDesign and published through Amazon publishing.
Subject matter was art directed by the author.
Vivamus massa tortor, tincidunt porta hendrerit vel, feugiat sed massa. In nec convallis sem, ac mollis massa. Duis dolor magna, rhoncus at purus ut, efficitur tincidunt velit. Donec quis nulla diam. Nullam ipsum ante, molestie in enim et, maximus sollicitudin odio. Integer consectetur, nisi eu aliquam blandit, justo purus maximus est, in tincidunt nisl nulla sit amet mauris. Vestibulum feugiat sollicitudin leo et interdum. Proin porttitor laoreet consequat. Mauris nibh felis, tincidunt at dapibus ac, mollis at arcu.
Development of marketing brochure for ATT. The brochure was interactive simulating a page flip. Extensive use of Javascript and JQuery to make the piece interactive.
Design and development of the brand Paddle Yoga Colorado. A stand up paddle board yoga activity in the Vail Valley. Pretty wild stuff.
Peter develops and maintains email systems for clients and small organizations. Focus on high security systems using the latest in SPF, DKIM, DMARC, MTA-STS, DNSSEC (with DANE TLSA) technologies to ensure information integrity and Privacy.
Developed complex interfaces for UnitedHealthcare to improve their efficiencies with medical coding for patients. Complex datasets were integrated into dashboards. Allowing for coders to complete patient registrations at much faster rates.
A website design for socialite Carolyne Rhoem. Site featured large photographs created by Carolyne. Responsive design principles were employed to allow for display on a variety of devices, from phone to the the desktop.
Examples of information design that I have done. I am versed with UX tools including Figma and Adobe XD and Balsamiq. My understanding of grid and typograhy help my designs immensely.